Trucker Fatigue Can Be Deadly.

When commercial truck drivers become fatigued after long shifts, they are at an increased risk of causing a collision resulting in death or serious injuries.  According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, more than 750 people die and 20,000 more are injured every year because of fatigued truck drivers.  To combat these grim statistics, Federal law limits the hours a trucker can drive and requires truckers to keep an on-board recording device or a detailed log containing information such as the total miles driven each day.  After a collision, analysis of the driver’s log may reveal violations of one or more of the following regulations:

1.  A trucker cannot drive his vehicle for more than 11 cumulative hours following 10 consecutive hours off duty or for any period after the 14th hour after coming on duty.

2.  A trucker cannot drive if he or she has been on duty 60 hours in 7 straight days.

3.  A trucker cannot drive if he or she has been on duty 70 hours in 8 straight days.

4.  In order to start a new 7 or 8 day period, the trucker must be off for at least 34 or more consecutive hours.

A violation of these rules is often linked to the cause of an accident and can be the key to establishing liability in a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit.

The injury attorneys at DeBlasio Law Group have the ability to aggressively pursue a claim for damages against negligent trucking companies and drivers.  Our law firm provides free consultations in personal injury and wrongful death cases.  To speak with one of our attorneys, call us at (630) 560-1123 or visit our website at  You pay no attorney’s fees until we successfully resolve your case.