Restaurant Owner Prevails at Trial on Overtime Claim By Former Manager.

(September 2019) Our clients were able to prevail at a trial in the Circuit Court of Cook County on claims brought by a former manager seeking over $370,000 in overtime pay under the FLSA (federal Fair Labor Standards Act), the Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act (which can reach back 10 years) and the Illinois Minimum Wage Law. Our clients also prevailed on Plaintiff’s claims for fraud, civil theft and promissory estoppel.  The seven day trial culminated in a ruling that exonerated our clients for any liability for overtime pay, as well as the legal fees that can be afforded to successful plaintiffs in such cases.  Founding partner Antonio DeBlasio represented the clients at trial.

Antonio DeBlasio is the founding member of the DeBlasio Law Group.  He has been selected by Super Lawyers® for Business Litigation in 2008 and in each year from 2014 through 2025. Only 5% of attorneys receive this distinction. To discuss your wage, overtime or employment dispute, you may contact DeBlasio Law Group at (630) 560-1123.