The estate and trust lawyers at our firm recently helped a large charity resolve two lawsuits involving over $4.4 million in real estate assets. Both lawsuits were heard by Chancery Judge Paul Fullerton in the DuPage County Courthouse in Wheaton. Our trial attorneys played a key role in bringing the two lawsuits to conclusion.
In one lawsuit, Judge Paul Fullerton ruled that three parcels of land, valued at over $2.2 million, should be sold over the objection of several trust beneficiaries. The objectors wanted the trustee to give them a percentage ownership in the land, rather than cash from the sale. Judge Fullerton rejected the objectors’ arguments and order the parcels sold to a private third party.
The estate, trust and probate lawyers at DeBlasio Law Group have the experience you need to face the most difficult challenges in court, including the Circuit Court of Cook County, the DuPage County Circuit Court in Wheaton and the Will County Circuit Court in Joliet. With offices in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, we are strategically located near the major circuit courts and major highways and interstates. For information, call us at (630) 560.1123.