(May 31, 2022) Attorney Antonio DeBlasio obtained an emergency temporary restraining order and mandatory injunctive relief from the DuPage County Chancery Court on behalf of his client, a regional trucking company responsible for 24 semi-trucks. Our client needed the emergency injunctive relief to prevent the commercial landlord defendant from blocking access to its leased business office and adjacent truck parking facilities, which our client had a legal right to possess and use pursuant to a five-year written lease. Despite our client’s legitimate lease rights, the landlord defendant demanded that our client vacate its leased business office by May 31, 2022 so that the landlord could proceed with the demolition and reconstruction of the subject property on June 1, 2022, including demolition of the leased office, in order to convert the two story office building into a single story warehouse space. In clear violation of our client’s lease and Illinois law, the defendant landlord changed the keypad lock codes to the building entrances, without providing the codes to our client, constituting an illegal lock out.
The Court granted the TRO to prevent the demolition and destruction of the leased property and also awarded mandatory injunctive relief directing the landlord to restore the keypad codes to the building entrances to ensure our client’s right of access to, and quiet use and enjoyment of, the leased office premises, which were critical to its business operations.
Attorney Antonio DeBlasio has been selected by Super Lawyers® in 2008 and in each year from 2014 through 2025. No more than 5% of Illinois attorneys receive this distinction. Mr. DeBlasio has over 30 years of experience as an Illinois attorney, representing businesses, individuals, employees, employers, estates and beneficiaries of estates in Illinois. To reach Mr. DeBlasio, you may call (630) 560-1124. For more information on the firm, visit www.DGLLC.net.