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Accidents / Personal Injury

Recovering the Costs of Litigation.

Costs associated with litigation can be expensive.  Courts charge filing fees, investigators charge fees for serving documents on your opponent, the law requires parties to pay witness fees, expert witnesses charge a pretty penny for […]

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Business / Civil Litigation

Illinois Eavesdropping Statute Declared Unconstitutional.

The Illinois Supreme Court recently ruled that part of the Illinois eavesdropping statute is unconstitutional in People v. Clark, 2014 IL 1097190 and People v. Melongo, 2014 IL 114852, issued simultaneously on March 20, 2014.  The […]

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Breach of Contract

Illinois Successor Liability – A Creditor’s Rights.

Small business owners often struggle to collect their accounts receivable.  Sometimes debtors actually dissolve their businesses in order to avoid paying creditors and then re-open later under a new or slightly different name.  Frustrated creditors […]

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