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Breach of Contract

Illinois Successor Liability – A Creditor’s Rights.

Small business owners often struggle to collect their accounts receivable.  Sometimes debtors actually dissolve their businesses in order to avoid paying creditors and then re-open later under a new or slightly different name.  Frustrated creditors […]

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Breach of Contract

Injection Molder Litigation in DuPage County and Chicago.

Our attorneys have successfully represented manufacturers and injection molders in litigation in state and federal court in the Chicago area.   Chicago has long been known as the location for several mold manufacturing operations, but with […]

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Breach of Contract

Illinois Doctor Beats Covenant Not to Compete.

Doctors are often asked to sign restrictive covenants when they begin their employment.  Generally speaking, a valid restrictive covenant prohibits the doctor from soliciting or treating certain patients for a certain period of time after […]

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Breach of Contract

Protect Your Trade Secrets.

If your business has a trade secret and does not want anyone else to use it, then you must take steps to ensure it remains a secret, such as using written confidentiality agreements. 

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