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Accidents / Personal Injury

Recover Damages For Wrongful Death of Family Member.

The tragic death of a family member resulting from the negligence of another person (such as an over-tired semi-truck driver ), triggers a claim under the Illinois Wrongful Death Act.  740 ILCS 180/1.  The Act […]

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Estate Litigation

Don’t Wait to Prepare Your Estate Plan

There is a 3,000 year old proverb: “teach us to number our days, that we might gain wisdom.”  In other words, none of us know for sure what tomorrow holds, so it’s smart to be […]

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Accidents / Personal Injury

$95,000 Settlement For Client With Back Injuries

Our Chicago Personal Injury Attorneys recently obtained a $95,000 settlement for a client injured when the cab cover of a pick-up truck became air borne.  The client sustained multiple back injuries.  Liability was disputed. Vehicle […]

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Business / Civil Litigation

Computer Sales Rep Defends Alleged Trade Secret Claim

We recently represented a computer hardware and software sales representative resolve a dispute with the former distributor he had served for several years.  The former distributor initially sued our client in federal court for alleged […]

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