Antonio DeBlasio Obtains Substantial Settlement For Client In Unpaid Commission Dispute

Oak Brook attorney Antonio DeBlasio recently obtained a confidential settlement on behalf of his client against a former employer that failed to pay him over $18,000 in commissions that he had earned as a major account executive.  The case settled for substantially more than the disputed commission amount, including attorneys’ fees, after the client was forced to sue his former employer.  Not a good decision by the defending employer.  Forced to litigate the case in court, our client asserted claims against the employer for breach of contract and a violation of the Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act, 820 ILCS 115/1 et seq. for unpaid commissions, attorneys’ fees, court costs and a statutory penalty of 5% per month that the commission was not paid.  Defendant employer attempted to get the case dismissed, but that motion to the Cook County judge was denied. Settlement discussions then ensued immediately thereafter to our client’s advantage.

Attorney Antonio DeBlasio has been selected by Super Lawyers® in 2008 and in each year from 2014 through 2025.  No more than 5% of Illinois attorneys receive this distinction.  Mr. DeBlasio has over 30 years of experience as an Illinois attorney, representing businesses, individuals, employees, employers, estates and beneficiaries of estates in Illinois.  To reach Mr. DeBlasio, you may call (630) 560-1124.  For more information on the firm, visit